Tuesday 27 April 2010

Today another mail from the organisation and it made me nauseous again:-) The mail offered a list of action points for round 2 and it makes me nervous all over again. And that okay…it’s a lot. It is clear by now that in the second round we must appeal to ‘the world’ again for votes and to be honest…I’m not happy with that. I’ve been doing that for a whole month now, I learned a lot from it, but been there, done that. That’s how it feels to me. Anyway, what IS different is the space voters get to comment on the book proposal. They can give their opinion.
So we have to deliver a book proposal for the voters and a extensive one for the publisher. This last one needs:

  • Brief description of the book: It should include what the book is about, who it's for, and what readers will learn from it.
  • Detailed outline of the book: step by step and in outline form, what we can expect to read and in what order.
  • Submit one sample chapter, preferably chapter 1. Well, that’s tricky because Henry’s Vision doesn’t have chapters…I’ll think of something
  • Author bio: your qualifications to write this book, and any kind of public platform you have.
  • Personal Marketing Plan: please list everything you plan to do to promote your book. This is one I find the most scary.
  • Genre and Complementary titles: which category does your book belong in? Please list what books/authors you think your book is most like, if any. What makes your book different or unique from those?
It’s quite the list, isn’t it? I can feel this inclination to say: “I think it’s great that I made it to the second round (because, to be honest, I’m pretty confident that I will be…so far I made the list every week!) and I’m gonna leave it like that” …and I know that voice. It’s fear.
And it's allowed to be here, I understand why it is, but it doesn’t determine my actions anymore. So I’m going through the fair again and set myself open for great ideas, especially on the marketing part. Tips are very welcome!

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